CSG Accounting Firm in Kerry, Ireland: Proud Supporters of the Irish Hospice Foundation

May 28, 2024

At CSG, we believe in more than just numbers. As a leading accounting firm based in Kerry, Ireland, our commitment extends beyond providing top-tier financial services. We are dedicated to giving back to our community, and our partnership with the Irish Hospice Foundation is a testament to this ethos. This blog explores the profound impact this charity has on the lives of many.


Welcome to the CSG family. Our mission goes beyond delivering exceptional accounting services; we strive to make a difference in our community. One way we achieve this is through our support of the Irish Hospice Foundation, a charity close to our hearts. This collaboration allows us to contribute to the vital work of providing compassionate end-of-life care.

CSG’s Commitment to the Hospice Foundation

Why We Chose the Hospice Foundation

The Irish Hospice Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to the best care at the end of life. Their mission resonates deeply with us at CSG. We believe that providing support during life's most challenging times is crucial, and the Irish Hospice Foundation embodies the compassion and care that we value.

Our Commitment to the Hospice Foundation

Fundraising Activities

Our team at CSG is thrilled to announce an exciting fundraising event to support the Irish Hospice Foundation. On the 14th of June, our team will climb Mount Brandon in Co. Kerry to raise much-needed funds for this noble cause. This challenging climb is not just about raising money; it’s also an opportunity for us to bond as a team and engage with our community. Following the climb, we will return to Benners Hotel Tralee for a celebratory BBQ, where we will continue our team bonding and celebrate the charity and the funds raised.

The Impact of Our Partnership

Enhancing Palliative Care Services

Through our support and the support of many others, the Irish Hospice Foundation can enhance its palliative care services, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality of care. This includes everything from medical supplies to emotional support for families. 

Community Outreach and Awareness

One goal of our partnership is to help raise awareness about the importance of end-of-life care and the services the Foundation supplies to our community. By highlighting the work of the Irish Hospice Foundation, increased awareness can lead to more support and better care for those facing terminal illnesses.


The Role of Businesses in Community Support

Building Stronger Communities

Supporting charities like the Irish Hospice Foundation helps build stronger, more compassionate communities. When businesses invest in their communities, everyone benefits. It's about creating a cycle of support that can lead to a better quality of life for all.


At CSG, we are proud of our sponsorship of the Irish Hospice Foundation. Our commitment to this cause reflects our dedication to making a positive impact in our community. By supporting the Irish Hospice Foundation, we are not only helping to provide essential end-of-life care but also fostering a sense of compassion and community spirit. We invite you to join us in supporting this incredible charity and making a difference in the lives of those who need it most.


What motivated CSG to support the Irish Hospice Foundation?

Our values of compassion and community support align with the mission of the Irish Hospice Foundation, making it a natural choice for our charitable efforts.

How does CSG support the Hospice Foundation?

We support through fundraising activities, and raising awareness about the Foundation's vital work.

What impact has CSG's support had on the Irish Hospice Foundation?

Our support aims to enhance palliative care services, providing resources and comfort to patients and their families.

How can others get involved with the Hospice Foundation?

You can support the Hospice Foundation by donating, volunteering, or participating in fundraising events.

Why is corporate social responsibility important to CSG?

We believe in giving back to our community and setting an example for other businesses, creating a cycle of support and compassion.

What are some upcoming events that CSG is organising for the Hospice Foundation?

Stay tuned to our website and social media for updates on upcoming fundraising and volunteer events, including our team climb of Mount Brandon on the 14th of June. DONATE HERE