Budget 2025: Key Tax Changes and Financial Impacts You Need to Know

October 2, 2024

In yesterday’s Budget Speech, Minister Chambers quoted the late Micheál O’Muircheartaigh’s advice to young people, “Always look forward to things. Look forward with hope. Hope is the greatest thing of all.”

Although Budget 2025 wasn’t all we hoped for, it is a step in the right direction with certain positive changes to our tax code and the continued commitment to reducing the complexity of our tax code.

Here you can read our summery of some of the key changes announced yesterday in Budget 2025. We await publication of the Finance Bill 2024 next week to see further detail of these tax changes.

READ CSG Summery of Budget 2025 HERE

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of Budget 2025 with a member of our tax department, please contact us.